Useful snippets
rename branch
git branch -m oldname newname
deleting remote branch
git push origin :newfeature
Get all the branches
git branch -a
Push up everything
git push -u origin --all
Switch commit head
first do:
git log --oneline
using the line above you can see the commits.
use the following line to go the second commit
git reset --hard HEAD~2
See tree files
git ls-tree --name-only -r master
changing the remote origin name
git remote set-url origin
Using command alias
If you rather use the command line and the shortcuts, you can add some lines to your config file and enjoy the power of shortcuts.
To edit the config file do:
vi ~/.gitconfig
And then add the following lines:
s = status
co = checkout
b = branch
cm = commit -m
a = add --all
p = push origin
pu = pull origin
l = log --oneline
aa = !git add --all && git commit -m "hk" && git push origin master
pupu = !git pull origin master && git push origin master
Common Issues
Using git for the first time might cause some headahces. The issues below are some that usually pop up in every git user's workflow at least once.
git ignore does not ignore
git rm -r --cached .
Followed by:
git add .
git commit -m "fixes untracked files"
Remove files after they are committed
git rm --cached /\*.lof *.lol *.lomycapequ *.aux *.lot *.out *.toc *.bib
git rm -r --cached _/
git add -u
git cm "remove the folder"